Restore Your Smile With Dental Implants

Do you ever find yourself uncomfortable with your smile? Do you have missing teeth that can make eating difficult? Are you self-conscious over your smile in your selfies? The key to achieving the smile you want could be dental implants. What Are Dental Implants? Dental implants, generally made of titanium, are used to restore your smile, giving you an intact look when you grin. While relatively new, dental implants have come a long way, ensuring your teeth look natural with surgical placement in the lower and upper jaw.

Two Options For Restoring Your Chipped Front Tooth

If you chip one of your front teeth while munching on ice or after a bad fall, you may be wondering what your options are for repairing the damage. It's a good idea to see your dentist as soon as you can to make sure the remaining part of your tooth is stable and not in danger of breaking off or decay from cracks in the enamel. Your dentist will probably recommend you get a crown or a veneer.

Three Things You Still Shouldn't Do After Getting Dental Implants

If you are about to get dental implants, you may be looking forward to once again being able to chew normally on both sides of your mouth instead of one, smile without showing any gaps, and so on. However, once the implants are in, there will still be some things you shouldn't do if you want to keep your mouth healthy and ensure the implants work out well. Never fear, though -- these are things that, if you don't do them, will help you keep those implants in great shape.

Getting A Dental Implant When You Have Bone Loss

You may have been told that you are not eligible for dental implants due to bone loss. With a few extra steps and a little extra time, even someone with bone loss may be able to have an implant. Bone loss occurs when a tooth is lost and not replaced with an implant as soon as possible. The bone around the teeth depends on the teeth to stimulate and maintain bone growth in that area.

3 Ways To Treat Your Dental Sensitivity

If you have sensitive teeth, you are not alone. Dental sensitivity, which can be exacerbated by tooth-whitening products, is a popular complaint among dental patients. People who suffer from dental sensitivity may find it difficult to enjoy hot or cold foods. There are multiple ways to treat sensitivity. Here are a few: Avoid sodas. Sodas and other acidic substances dissolve the tooth enamel that protects the interior of your tooth. As tooth enamel becomes compromised, sensitive dental nerves are more easily accessed by food and drink.