3 Ways Your Stomach Problems Can Affect Your Mouth

If you suffer from digestive disorders, your symptoms may include heartburn, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, or pain. However, you might have other problems because certain gastrointestinal conditions and their treatments can also affect your oral health. If you have stomach problems and develop abnormalities of your gums, teeth, or tongue, see your family dentist. Here are three digestive disorders that may affect your mouth: Acid Reflux If you have acid reflux, you may experience heartburn, a dry cough, constant throat clearing, and difficulty swallowing.

Barbecue With Braces: How To Keep Your Braces In Good Shape

Braces can present a challenge when it comes to picking safe to eat foods. This is especially true at summer barbecues, where the food is the focus of the entire event. Knowing what you can eat and what you should avoid can help you enjoy your barbecue and keep your braces in good repair. Barbecue Favorites You Can Eat Foods that have a pasta, soft potato or fruit base are all safe for you to eat while you're at summertime barbecues.

Seeing A Dentist When You Haven't Been In Years: Advice For Nervous Patients

If you're like most people, going to the dentist isn't exactly your idea of a great time. Still, seeing a dentist regularly for cleanings and check-ups is key to maintaining your oral health. Unfortunately, if you haven't been to the dentist in years, the idea of having even a routine cleaning done may give you feelings of anxiety. By keeping some tips and guidelines in mind as you prepare for your appointment, however, you can put your mind at ease.

3 Things You Can Do To Help Your Child Have A Lifetime Of Healthy Teeth

Problems with your teeth do not necessarily start in adulthood. Thus, it can be quite important to have your child establish healthy dental habits while he or she is still young. Here are a few things that you can do to help ensure that your little one can enjoy a lifetime of healthy teeth: Take your child to a pediatric dentist early. A child may develop a lifelong fear of a dentist if he or she receives negative reports about dental care before an initial appointment.

Best And Worst Potential Dental Treatments For A Congenitally Absent Canine Tooth

Normal dental development includes baby teeth falling out to make way for erupting permanent teeth. But permanent teeth don't always erupt and sometimes the lack of eruption is due to the complete lack of the tooth itself. When a tooth is naturally missing, it is called a congenitally absent tooth. Missing canine teeth can cause bite issues. What are the best and worst ways that a general or cosmetic dentistry office can treat your congenitally absent canine tooth?