Preexisting Conditions That Can Complicate Root Canals

While most patients have uneventful recoveries after their root canals, those with certain preexisting conditions may need to see their dentists more often in the days following their procedures. Root canals can help you avoid tooth loss after a severe infection or other problems in which extraction may be necessary. Here are some preexisting medical conditions that you should discuss with your endodontist prior to undergoing your root canal treatment.

Platelet Disorders

If you have a platelet disorder such as thrombocytopenia, then it may take a long time for your blood to clot. When you have thrombocytopenia, you may not have enough thrombocytes, or platelets, in your blood to prevent abnormal or heavy bleeding during dental procedures or surgery. Because of this, your dentist will monitor you closely for any signs of excessive bleeding during and after your root canal treatment.

In addition, root canal treatments can leave your mouth feeling slightly sore, and many dentist will recommend that you take an over-the-counter pain reliever such as aspirin or ibuprofen. If you have a platelet disorder, talk to your physician before taking aspirin or ibuprofen because these drugs can decrease platelet aggregation, further raising your risk for abnormal bleeding after your dental procedure. 

Autoimmune Diseases

Certain autoimmune disorders can cause your mouth to become very dry because they can cause salivary gland dysfunction. If you don't produce enough saliva to wash away bacteria inside your mouth, you may be at risk for an oral infection, including an infection near your root canal site.

If you have a persistently dry mouth, talk to your dentist about recommending a hydrating mouthwash to use after you brush and floss your teeth. In the meantime, avoid caffeinated beverages, and drink plenty of water during the day to help keep the bacterial count inside your mouth to a minimum until your root canal has completely healed. In addition to a higher risk for infection, having a dry mouth related to autoimmune disorders can also lead to an increase in soreness and inflammation after dental procedures. 

If you have scheduled a root canal and have a platelet disorder or autoimmune disease, talk to both your physician and dentist about ways to reduce your risk for excessive bleeding or dry mouth after your procedure. When you consult with both of your healthcare providers, you will be more likely to sail right through your root canal procedure without any problems.

For more information, reach out to a dentist like John B Webster DDS
