How Does Enamel Erosion Occur?

Finding out from your dentist that you have enamel erosion might shock you a little bit, especially if you are not even sure what this is. Enamel erosion is a common problem with people of all ages, yet it is not a problem you should ignore. If you recently discovered that you have enamel erosion, here are several things you should know about the causes of this problem.

What is it?

The first thing you should understand is what this term even means. Enamel erosion is something that refers to the process of losing enamel from your teeth. Little by little, you can lose the enamel off your teeth as acids attack your teeth. As this occurs, you will slowly lose this protective layer of your teeth, and it will never come back once it is gone.

How does this happen?

Secondly, you should understand how this occurs. Enamel erosion primarily occurs when teeth are exposed to acids. Acids come from foods and beverages you consume, acids from GERD, and acids formed by sugars and bacteria in your mouth. Enamel erosion also occurs from habits you may have, such as grinding your teeth. If you grind your teeth, you probably will not even know you are doing this, as it happens in your sleep. The problem with this is that when you grind your teeth, you are rubbing off layers of your teeth, and the enamel layer is the first to go. As the enamel gradually wears off, you could end up losing all of it if you do not stop the process.

What effects will this have?

Finally, you should understand why dentists have concerns about enamel erosion so that you can choose to fix the problem. Dentists care about enamel erosion as it has a lot of negative effects on teeth.

First of all, losing your enamel puts you at risk for developing more cavities. This occurs because you lose the layer of protection on your teeth, and this makes them more vulnerable to decay. Secondly, enamel erosion will cause you to experience a greater amount of sensitivity with your teeth, and you may already feel this if you feel twinges of pain when drinking hot or cold drinks. There are a number of other negative effects of enamel erosion too, and you can talk to your dentist about this.

If you would like to learn more about enamel erosion and the effects it has on teeth, contact a dental clinic to set up a visit with a dentist in your town.
