If you suffer from sleep apnea, which might force you to wake hundreds of times at night because you temporarily quit breathing, there are a number of therapies that your physician might suggest. However, you might not be aware that your dentist might also help you to sleep better and with fewer interruptions. If you suffer from mild to moderate sleep apnea and you have undergone a sleep evaluation at a qualified facility, it is a good idea to speak with your dentist about additional treatment methods that might help treat your illness if it is caused or triggered by an airway obstruction. The following information will provide you with a better understanding of a dental sleep device and how it might benefit you.
Understanding Sleep Apnea
Unfortunately, many people suffer from sleep apnea for years and do not realize it. Often, it is assumed to be part of being a light sleeper, a chronic snorer, or both. Instead, it is actually the result of temporarily stopping breathing and your brain, in an attempt to keep you alive, wakes you up briefly and you resume breathing. Given that sleep apnea can kill you, if you are aware or suspect that you may have it, it is essential to speak with your primary health care provider to confirm the diagnosis and get medical assistance.
However, if those treatments are unsuccessful or do not fully relieve all of your symptoms, it is possible that your apnea might be caused by something compromising your ability to breathe, such as a floppy tongue, excess tissue in the throat, or swollen tonsils or adenoids. In that instance, your dentist might be able to help.
Understanding The Oral Appliance Option
An oral appliance might be fitted to your specific needs and the dimensions of your mouth to control, move or limit the movements of the extra tissue in the mouth that is contributing to your issues. They can also prevent the collapse of your airway, which is frequently associated with sleep apnea.
There is not a one-size-fits-all solution to sleep apnea, but your best bet is to investigate all of the options until you find one that works and is comfortable for you. Unfortunately, not all dentists are familiar sleep apnea dentistry, so be careful to choose the most qualified and experienced dental professional you can for best results.
In conclusion, the use of a dental sleep device used separately or in conjunction with other treatments suggested by your physician might help to treat the serious issue of sleep apnea. The facts shared above will give you a better understanding of your health problem and how a dental sleep device might benefit you.
Dentists like Copley Dental Associates will be able to provide more information on treatment options.