In any health care program, early intervention is essential. From a nutritious diet to regular medical examinations and professional teeth cleaning, it is best to look after your child's health before any problems develop. It is important that a child visits an orthodontist early in life to have their oral development assessed. A lot of parents do not realize how beneficial these assessments are for the future of their child. The following are six good reasons why you should take your child to see an orthodontist, such as Family Dentistry Of Woodstock, by the time they are seven.
1. The child is sufficiently developed
By the time they are aged seven, the majority of children have had their permanent molars come through and this allows their bite to be evaluated. Additionally, the incisors have usually erupted as well. Both of these are a good way of assessing how the jaw is developing and the symmetry of the face.
2. The child is developing more quickly at this age than at other times
This means that any existing problems will get worse as the child gets older, so intervention at this early age can be more beneficial. Identifying developmental problems early can reduce treatment time dramatically and can in some instances, entirely prevent the need for braces.
3. The child's self-esteem will be improved at an important time in their development
Many teenagers find these years overwhelming in any case, so a bright smile and healthy mouth can improve a child's confidence and self-image. Those in their teen years are more likely to feel self-conscious than children, so it is best to have any problems treated at the earliest possible age because treatment usually works faster.
4. Early age visits allow an orthodontist to spot any harmful habits and advise the child (and their parent)
Habits like grinding the teeth or sucking the thumb can cause tooth irregularities during development, and sometimes the parent won't notice these if the behavior is quite subtle. An orthodontist will help identify such problems and recommend ways of fixing them. Indeed, early intervention can aid speech development and prevent problems.
5. Early intervention will protect the child's dental health in the long term and prevent disease
Proper dental hygiene is essential for preventing diseases like diabetes, oral infection, and others. How the teeth are spaced and the the patient's comfort levels can also be addressed through orthodontics, which encourages and enables proper flossing and brushing.
6. A child's well-being and development is improved in the long-term with early intervention
Most orthodontists will do more than merely examine a child's teeth. They will seek to influence how the entire jaw and mouth structure develops. In turn, this has a bearing on how the patient's skull develops. Very often, orthodontic problems can cause a lapse in oral hygiene, migraine, difficulty with breathing, and jaw issues in later life. The patient's posture can also be affected and different musculoskeletal difficulties can arise. A straighter smile improves the patient's quality of life as well as their appearance!