If you have small chips in your teeth or if you notice that the tooth edges are not as straight and perfect as you would like, then you have the option of working with a cosmetic dentistry professional who can secure veneers to the surfaces of your teeth. While this is true, veneers are expensive and require the removal of some of your natural tooth enamel. If you think that your cosmetic problems are not severe enough for veneers, then tooth contouring may be a better choice. Keep reading to learn about this.
What Is Tooth Contouring?
Tooth contouring is the reshaping of the teeth so they appear more aesthetically pleasing. This reshaping is completed with the help of sanding tools, and your dentist will remove small amounts of dental enamel in order to contour the teeth. Before the treatment is completed, a full examination is performed and you may need an x-ray. This is best so the dental professional is aware of any cavities and other dental health problems that need to be addressed.
If cavities are a concern, then they will need to be treated before the contouring is completed. Also, you should keep in mind that if tooth enamel appears too thin, then your cosmetic dentist may suggest against the contouring. Otherwise, the tooth dentin may be exposed and you will experience some sensitivity issues.
When the dental professional is ready, a pen or other tool is used to mark the teeth where contouring will take place. You will look at the marks to make sure that you agree with the amount of enamel that will be removed. The contouring is then completed and you can look at the final results.
Are There Drawbacks To The Contouring?
Contouring does have the benefit of being cheaper than veneers, but you can still expect to pay several hundred dollars for each tooth being treated. Additionally, the changes to the teeth are small and often subtle. If you are looking for a more pronounced and substantial change in the aesthetic appearance of your teeth, then you will need veneers or crowns.
Also, since the dental enamel is being removed, it is essentially thinned along the treatment area. So, there is a risk of permanent tooth damage if too much enamel is removed. This may mean that you will need a dental crown eventually.
If you want to know more about tooth contouring and whether or not the treatment is right for you, then speak with a cosmetic dentistry professional.