Questions To Ask Yourself Before Committing To Invisalign

Invisalign is a great way to fix orthodontic issues, since it is practically invisible and less bulky than traditional braces.  While many people are good candidates for Invisalign, other methods may be more suitable. Here are a few questions to ask yourself before committing to Invisalign as your orthodontic treatment.

Are You Responsible?

Every time you need to eat or drink hot/staining beverages, you need to remove your Invisalign trays. When you are done eating, you need to clean your teeth and reinsert the trays.

If you have a busy schedule, you may not have time to adequately brush your teeth after meals or snacks. If you are a little absent-minded, you may forget to reinsert the trays or accidentally throw them away in a napkin. While your dentist or orthodontist can set you up with new trays, it may take a while for them to be made, meaning that your treatment time will lengthen.

If you know you can't be responsible for these trays, then a more permanent orthodontic device may be better.

Are you Willing to Keep the Trays in Most of the Day?

Some people are under the impression that Invisalign trays are completely comfortable because there are no wires and brackets. While the trays do fit snugly around your teeth, they will make your mouth a little sore since they will be correcting malocclusions. When you are fitted with a tray, it may be tempting to remove it to give your mouth a break. However, many dentists require patients to wear their trays day and night—except for eating or brushing teeth—so you will only be a good candidate if you can keep your aligners on.

Are You an Adult?

Children and teens aren't usually the best candidates for Invisalign. Because kids' jaws are still growing and teeth are still erupting, Invisalign trays aren't viable. Some teens at the older end of the spectrum can get Invisalign if they are responsible.

Are Your Malocclusions Mild?

Invisalign can treat gaps, underbites, overbites, crossbites, etc. However, you need to consult with your dentist to see if these bite abnormalities are mild or severe. If your malocclusions are mild, then you are a good candidate for Invisalign. Invisalign cannot be used for people with severe problems.

If you answered yes to all of these questions, you are likely a good candidate for Invisalign trays. If you answered no to one of them but still want Invisalign, talk with your dentist about your options. For instance, if your malocclusions are severe, you could start off with traditional braces, then have them removed and transition to Invisalign when you have fewer problems.
