Problems with your teeth do not necessarily start in adulthood. Thus, it can be quite important to have your child establish healthy dental habits while he or she is still young. Here are a few things that you can do to help ensure that your little one can enjoy a lifetime of healthy teeth:
Take your child to a pediatric dentist early.
A child may develop a lifelong fear of a dentist if he or she receives negative reports about dental care before an initial appointment. A child who follows the advice of dental professionals by attending a first dental appointment as soon as his or her first teeth erupt maybe more accepting of dental services in a professional environment.
It is important to select a dental provider whose practice is geared towards children. The decor of the dental office should be child-friendly and unintimidating to your child. In addition, both you and your little one should feel comfortable communicating with the dentist. If your child is especially shy, try to find a pediatric dentist who permits parents to accompany their child in the examination room.
Offer your child tea instead of sugary soft drinks
Soft drinks, such as sodas and artificially flavored sweet drinks, can incite dental decay. Sodas are acidic, so they can dissolve tooth enamel. In addition, sodas that are sweetened with sugar offer a ready food source for oral bacteria. Likewise, sugar-sweetened drinks that are not carbonated also coat the mouth with sugar upon which bacteria can feed.
Green and black teas include polyphenols that are antimicrobial. Thus, each time your child drinks tea, he or she is eliminating some of the bacteria in his or her mouth, such as Streptococcus mutans. Three or four cups of tea are suggested to incur the dental health benefits associated with the drink.
Have your child rinse with water after he or she eats.
By having your child rinse his or her mouth with water after eating, you can help protect your child's oral health. Forming a habit of rinsing after meals and snacks can help your child dislodge leftover food in the mouth that could be used to feed oral bacteria or to form plaque. In addition, acids within your child's mouth can be deleted by the water.
To learn more ways to help protect your child's teeth, schedule a consultation with a family dentist in your area.